Islam is the divine guidance given to the entire mankind. Allah, the Creator and the Master of the Universe have given this eternal way of life through Muhammad (PBUH), the last prophet of Allah. The Holy Qur'an which is delivered by Allah through the revelation to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH); the Hadith which shows the way of life practiced and preached by the Prophet (PBUH) and Fiqh the jurisprudence compiled by the eminent scholars from the main sources of the treasure of Islam.
Seerath (Seerath-un-Nabi and Seerath-us-Sahaaba o Sahaabiyat) is also an important source for the people to know the Islamic Ideal life. In addition to this, Islamic History (the golden era of Khulfa-e-Rashideen and other periods of Islamic rule) is also necessary to understand the rise and fall of the Islamic Movement. It is not possible to understand the Islamic way of life clearly and completely without the study of these 5 authentic sources. Thus these 5 sources make the complete picture of the Islamic information.
Innumerable books are written about various day to day problems elucidating the Islamic point of view and presenting the best solutions. But all these valuable literature is either in Arabic or in Urdu and English languages.
But as there is no necessary Islamic literature available in Telugu language, Muslims as well as non-Muslims are deprived of the opportunity of getting themselves acquainted even with the fundamentals of Islam. Especially Muslims of Sarkar and Rayalseema areas of Andhra Pradesh can read and write in Telugu only. The field is vast for dawah work but our effort is stunted for want of sufficient literature in the language of 100 million Telugu people.
To do such other things as are conductive for attainment of any or all of the above objects of the people in generally by utilizing all means and provisions available under the Indian Constitution. To do such other things as are conductive for attainment of any or all of the above objects of the people in generally by utilizing all means and provisions available under the Indian Constitution.
To endeavour establishment of self employment vocational training institutions like sewing centres, computer points etc, thus care for overall development.
To do such other things as are conductive for attainment of any or all of the above objects of the people in generally by utilising all means and provisions available under the Indian Constitution.