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 QuranBhavamrutham (Telugu Quran with meaning) Hadees Hithoktulu (Hadeeth Pearals in telugu) Mahaneeya Muhammad Adarsya Jeevitham (Ideal life of Prophet Muhammad The great) Furqan Bhavamrutham  (Topic wise Qur'an meaning in Telugu) Ramazan Ashayalu (The Objectives of Ramazaan) Paraloka Prasthanam (Journey of the Hear after life) Dhana Vikendreekarana (Decentralisation of Wealth) Muslim Mahila (Muslim Woman) Kaaba Sandesam (The message of Kaaba) Shaanthi-Samaram-Nyaayam (Peace, War and Justice) Dampathya Jeevitham (Married Life) Islam Bodhanalu (Teachings of Islam) Suvarna Sooktulu (Golden words of Islam) Aatma Katha (The Story of Soul) Pariksha Prapancham (The World of Test) EkaDaivaradhana (Oneness of God) Islam Pilupu (Islam Calls You) Viswasi Gunaganalu (Qualities of the believers Telugu) Maseeh mouwood (Promissed Messaiah) Samaikyata Sodara Bhavalu (Milli Integration) PralayaSanketalu (The signs on doom day) Namaz in Telugu, Namaz in Islam Antima Daiva Grandham (Final Scripture - Telugu) Dasula Hakkulu (Human Rights in Islam Telugu) Ghora Paapaalu (Severe Sins - Telugu) Tib-e-Nabavi (s) Pravakta (s) Vaidyam (Telugu) Sadguna Sampathe Swarganiki Sopanam (Moralty is the main staircase to the Paradise) Shubhodayam-Telugu (Life of the Prophet-Cradle to Cave)
 QuranBhavamrutham (Telugu Quran with meaning) Hadees Hithoktulu (Hadeeth Pearals in telugu) Mahaneeya Muhammad Adarsya Jeevitham (Ideal life of Prophet Muhammad The great) Furqan Bhavamrutham  (Topic wise Qur'an meaning in Telugu) Ramazan Ashayalu (The Objectives of Ramazaan) Paraloka Prasthanam (Journey of the Hear after life) Dhana Vikendreekarana (Decentralisation of Wealth) Muslim Mahila (Muslim Woman) Kaaba Sandesam (The message of Kaaba) Shaanthi-Samaram-Nyaayam (Peace, War and Justice) Dampathya Jeevitham (Married Life) Islam Bodhanalu (Teachings of Islam) Suvarna Sooktulu (Golden words of Islam) Aatma Katha (The Story of Soul) Pariksha Prapancham (The World of Test) EkaDaivaradhana (Oneness of God) Islam Pilupu (Islam Calls You) Viswasi Gunaganalu (Qualities of the believers Telugu) Maseeh mouwood (Promissed Messaiah) Samaikyata Sodara Bhavalu (Milli Integration) PralayaSanketalu (The signs on doom day) Namaz in Telugu, Namaz in Islam Antima Daiva Grandham (Final Scripture - Telugu) Dasula Hakkulu (Human Rights in Islam Telugu) Ghora Paapaalu (Severe Sins - Telugu) Tib-e-Nabavi (s) Pravakta (s) Vaidyam (Telugu) Sadguna Sampathe Swarganiki Sopanam (Moralty is the main staircase to the Paradise) Shubhodayam-Telugu (Life of the Prophet-Cradle to Cave)